Jan 8, 2015 / 22 notes

OOMK Reading Room: Visions of the Future

Sumbit a zine! We are asking artists and writers to make A5 zines exploring anything to do with optimistic visions of the future, these will be displayed in the OOMK Reading Room which w
ill be based at the Islamic Human Rights Commission gallery and will run from 30th Jan- 30th April.  

Some ideas: education, environment, justice, travel, food, religious freedom, language, architecture, housing, art, clothing, transport, culture, pioneers, science, technology, predictions.

Tone: they can be serious, inventive, funny, academic, scientific… 

A5 zine, black and white or colour. 
Deadline 1 (in time for the launch) 25/1/2015 
Deadline 2 (mid exhibition) 20/2/2015

Please email us if you have any questions oomkzine@gmail.com. http://ihrc.org.uk/events/11321-oomk-visions-of-the-future-exhibition

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